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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 5 - Students
Publication Date: May 4, 2010
Policy Reviewed Date: December 11, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs

5.08 Returned Checks and Debt of Students


Policies and procedures governing unpaid debts and returned checks to The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) from currently enrolled students are outlined the 世界杯官方app Information Bulletin, and the UT System (System) Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 50303.
Neither the System nor 世界杯官方app is responsible for debts contracted by individual students or student organizations. All students and student organizations are expected to conduct themselves honorably in all commercial transactions. Neither the System nor 世界杯官方app will assume the role of a collection agency — except for monies owed to the System or 世界杯官方app — nor will the System nor 世界杯官方app adjudicate disputes between students and creditors over the existence or amount of debts.


This policy specified potential adverse actions that may be taken as a result of an unpaid student debt, including returned checks.


This policy applies to all 世界杯官方app students with unpaid debts to the university.



世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents’ Rules & Regulations


If you have any questions about HOP policy 5.08, Returned Checks and Debt of Students, contact the following office.

Financial Services and University Bursar

Fiscal Services Office


To settle or determine (an issue or dispute) judicially

Hold on student records that restricts access to registration, grades, transcripts and diplomas


Fiscal Services             

  • Ensure Student Information System rules are in place for automatic addition of Fiscal Services hold on delinquent student accounts.
  • Remove hold promptly upon payment in full of balance due.
  • Negotiate payment arrangement for hold override exceptions.


  • Ensure sufficient funds exist in account used for payment.
  • Make payment of delinquent balance as soon as possible after notification, either from 世界杯官方app or contracted collection agency.


In the event of nonpayment to 世界杯官方app, one or more of the following actions may be taken:

  • Suspension;
  • Bar against readmission for the student;
  • Withholding of the student's grades and official transcript;
  • Withholding of a degree to which the student otherwise would be entitled;
  • Removal from university housing; and/or
  • Placement of past-due balance with a professional collection agency.
  • Returned Checks
    • Upon notification of return of either paper checks or electronic check submissions, Fiscal Services will add student hold and record return in the 世界杯官方app Financial Accounting System (DEFINE) on a journal voucher.
    • Financial Services and University Bursar will send an official letter via US mail to the student’s address on record requesting repayment of the returned amount and the non-sufficient funds (NSF) incidental fee.
  • Other Debts
    • Student Information System rules cause an automated student hold to be placed each night if a student account has a balance due with an effective date of current date or earlier.
    • Holds, even if removed in error, will be reinstated each night programmatically.

Student holds are not removed without payment in full unless approved by Director of Financial Services and University Bursar.